Why it's important you only wear BREATHABLE period underwear.

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How to create a back-to-school period emergency kit for your daughter

The beginning of another school term can be a little hectic and exciting for students and parents alike, and with the change in seasons, it's often a change in school uniforms, a change in after-school activities, and so it's not surprising that we sometimes overlook the importance of being prepared for emergencies. Period emergencies, is what we're talking about! 

A back-to-school period emergency kit is vital when Aunt Flo pays your daughter a surprise visit at school. So say hello to worry-free periods and goodbye to embarrassing situations!

What is a back-to-school emergency kit? A period kit is an emergency kit with all of the period essentials you'll need for when your daughter’s period starts unexpectedly.

Below are some tips to set-up your daughter’s emergency kit:

  1. Find a fabulous pouch, purse or funky pencil-case style small zip bag – If this isn’t the best part of putting together an emergency kit, then I don’t know what is! A simple zip lock bag or a pencil case would do but you can make it extra by finding some cute little pouch. Just make sure that all the things your daughter might need will fit inside that pouch.
  2. Pack a pain reliever ~  Monthly Magic: Teen PMS Roll-On - we created our Teen PMS Roll-On which is made using 100% therapeutic grade organic essential oils. It's blended especially to support your daughters' cycles and provides comfort for those pesky physical and emotional symptoms of PMS, such as pain from cramps, nausea, feelings of sadness, headaches + mood swings. So if your daughter suddenly experiences cramps while at school, she can easily pull this out from her kit.
  3. Pack some wipes - periods can be messy especially when not prepared! It will help to have a small packet of water-based wet wipes on hand to clean up with.
  4. Don’t forget to pack a treat! - You know your daughter better than anyone. She might be like the majority of the female population who have cravings while they're menstruating. Fluctuating hormones can lead to intense cravings for sweet or salty food. So pack her some snacks – dark chocolate, a sweet lollipop, or a muesli bar.
  5. Pack PERIOD UNDERWEAR/Heavy Absorbency Period Underwear – this is for the “just-in-case” situation when your daughter isn’t wearing her pre-period underwear in the lead-up days, and suddenly gets it while she's at school. Having a pair of "heavies" in her kit, ensures she can easily pop them on, and not disrupt her (or your!) day. With Knicked’s leakproof absorbency right up to the back waistband, she’ll stay drier than a bulky pad and more comfortable than tampons.. Up to 10 hrs or the equivalent of 6 soaked regular pads.


Creating a back-to-school period emergency kit is easy and can help your daughter feel prepared and less stressed during her period or days leading up to her period. You can keep her emergency kit in her backpack or locker – it’s very handy and helpful! By following these tips, and wearing a pair of pre-period Knicked undies, she'll be ready to handle any unexpected visit from Aunt Flo. 


BONUS TIP to avoid period leaks at school! 

In the lead-up days, give her PRE-PERIOD UNDERWEAR to wear! Knicked knows and Knicked cares that’s why we have our  PRE-PERIOD UNDERWEAR, designed for tweens who haven’t had their first period yet, or to wear on the light days, and for teens who are expecting their period to come but not sure as to when. They're perfect to wear at school and they feel just like wearing ordinary knickers! 


Check out Knicked's Welcome-To-Your-Period Pack

Welcome-To-Your-Period Pack
